Workplace teams

Register your workplace

Ready to Stride Outside?
All you need to do is register your workplace and invite your colleagues and staff to join you. If you have queries or questions about how to set up your team contact us at

Stride Outside with Art

Benefits for your workplace

Get a work team together and get involved in Stride Outside. It's a great way to give your workplace a wellness boost and raise funds for better mental health.

Team building

Strengthen bonds with your team as your work towards challenge goals. Build trust, connection and fun memories.

Community support

Raise funds to enhance mental health services in your community.

Lead the way

Inspire other to spend time outdoors for mental wellbeing and open up more conversation about mental health.

It's free

Stride Outside is a free way to give your workplace a wellness boost. Register now to enhance mental fitness at work.

How it works


Sign up your workplace and choose your fundraising goal to achieve in September.


Start fundraising and share your page. Invite your colleagues to join your workplace and generate some healthy competition.

Step outside

Check out our fundraising resources and pick your activities to do with the team in September.

Base BMS are doing Stride Outside

Base are getting involved in Stride Outside to support the mental wellness of their staff and raise funds for our community mental health programs and services. Join with them and other workplaces in boosting workplace wellbeing and making a difference in our community.